Sunday, February 10, 2013

30 Weeks!

Hello, friends!

Life has been keeping this little pregnant mamma busy! I have been feeling really good, though, so I'm not complaining! :)

Baby update! We went in for our 28 week appointment a couple weeks back and everything looked right on schedule. I also got a blood draw for my glucose test and to check my iron levels this past week, so we should be hearing back about that soon. (I definitely have my fingers crossed that we are both healthy as can be!)

Austin, myself, and the whole rest of the family already call her by one name, so I might as well make it blog official--we are naming our little girl Zia Marie Springer. People have had mixed feelings about the name, but we love it, and we feel like it perfectly suits her. And that's really what matters. About nine weeks left before we meet our little one! I can't believe how fast time is going!

How far along: 30 weeks 5 days
Size of baby: A head of cabbage...not quite sure how this works, since four weeks ago we were at a head of lettuce. This one also made me laugh, because I have always had a bit of an intolerance for cabbage! Pregnancy has made me despise it even more. But I am glad my little girl is currently the size of one of them, nonetheless. :)
Total weight gain/loss: The power was actually out at our last appointment, and we don't have a scale, so I haven't been able to weigh. Last I remember weighing, I had finally broken even, meaning back to pre-pregnancy weight! I know I must be gaining at least some weight now, because I can definitely see my tummy growing! Little Zia is getting so big!
Stretch marks: No new ones
Maternity clothes: Yes! Only one pair of pre-pregnancy jeans is still in rotation. A few of my looser shirts are still working for me, but I definitely am using maternity clothes on a daily basis.
Baby-related purchases: Over the past few weeks, I have switched from a sewing obsession to a crocheting obsession. This means some yarn purchases! Other than that, I have been pretty good. I did buy a nice little rocking chair/glider at the D.I. a few weeks back, and I'm very excited about that. Everyone has been so generous that we really don't need much!
Movement: Always! They say babies slow down during the last trimester because their space is becoming more cramped as they grow. This doesn't seem to hold our little one back! She just makes room by pushing my organs and other body parts out of the way. With her little feet under my ribs, she can just push and push until I make her more comfortable. My belly shifts and bounces and jumps all day long with her exercises. I love it. :) I will have to post a video sometime if I think to record it one of these days.
Sleep: Getting worse. I get overheated and just plain uncomfortable a lot more easily than I used to. I've also been wearing out more easily the last little while, and sometimes I feel like it's the first trimester all over again tiredness wise.
Belly button in or out: Out and stretched very tight!
What I miss: This week, I'm definitely missing the pre-pregnancy brain! I have done some ridiculous things, including grabbing my headphones instead of keys (they were in the same pocked of my bag, in my defense) before heading out and locking myself out of the house. I got in okay, but I was so embarrassed! One of my co-workers is convinced taking more fish oil helps. I should probably get on that!
Cravings: I still feel like I haven't had any big cravings, but I was really wanting some pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting yesterday. I had some self control and didn't make any, but the craving didn't go away. I made a big pan earlier and thoroughly enjoyed a large slice. :)
Symptoms: Back aches, out of breath after next to no exertion, heartburn, pregnancy brain, meat aversion, nesting, and sometimes a little bit cranky. But for the most part it's still pretty good. I'm glad that I won't have to keep working too much longer, though, because it's getting harder to be on my feet all day long.
Worries: The reality that we are about to be parents is finally starting to hit me. The three families in the apartments surrounding ours all have babies, and getting to know them better and see them grow has made me both excited and nervous for our own little lady. I am a bit nervous about finishing school before she gets here, but I hear that first babies typically come late, if anything. Hopefully I can finish up everything early so that I won't have to worry about taking finals while I'm in labor! ;)
What I look forward to: Baby showers! We set dates for both of them this week, and they are going to be near the end of March. I'll be about ready to pop! I can't wait to see all the cute things friends and family will have whipped up for Zia!
Celebrations: We made it safely to the third trimester! Every week means that Zia could survive (with special care) if she were to come early. That comforts my worry wart side. On a less pregnancy-related level, Valentine's Day is this week! Austin and I went on a late babymoon and early Valentine's getaway this last weekend. It was so much fun! I didn't realize how much I would enjoy being able to get away and just hang out for a little while. I highly recommend it.

Update on the nursery: Everything is coming together! The bedding arrived safely and is all washed and ready to be assembled! I am waiting to put it all on until I have a water-proof mattress cover. I hear they are kind of important when babies are new and spitting up, peeing, and pooping constantly. The set is even cuter in person, and we are definitely pleased with our selection. :)

Thanks for reading guys! Stay tuned for more updates!
